Meningoencefalites toxoplásmica e chagásica em pacientes com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana: diagnóstico diferencial anatomopatológico e tomográfico

Twenty-two HIV+ patients with encephalitis were studied. Of these, 7 had meningoencephalitis due to Toxoplasma gondii (MT) and 15 due to Trypanosoma cruzi (MC). Pathologic and computerized axial tomography (CAT) changes were compared. We found that focal necrotizing encephalitis due to Toxoplasma involved the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia, whereas lesions due to Trypanosoma cruzi were centered in the white matter, sometimes extending into the cortex. Hemorrhages, myelin lesions and organisms were more pronounced in chagasic than in toxoplasmic encephalitis. These findings are consistent with the literature reviewed.