The magnetic susceptibility (χ), electrical resistivity (ρ), and thermoelectric power (S) of bis(tetrathiotetracene)-triiodide were measured for 9<T<300 K. Bis(tetrathiotetracene)-triiodide crystals were synthesized by vapor-phase cosublimation. X-ray crystal-structure determination on crystals prepared by this technique indicates a potential range of stoichiometries, i.e., TTT-(I3)x where 0.5x0.52. TTT-(I3)0.5 is highly conducting at room temperature (ρ103 Ωcm). The properties of TTT-(I3)0.5 are consistent with a metallic state: (i) resistivity ρ=ρ0+ρ1T2; ρ04×104 Ωcm, ρ18×109 Ωcm/K2 for T>100 K, and (ii) thermopower S=S0T+S1T where S0=1124 μV and S1=1.07×101 μV/K2. The magnetic susceptibility, corrected for 0.25% spin-½ impurities, is + 2.2 × 104 emu/mol at room temperature. The term in the thermopower data linear in temperature is interpreted using a one-dimensional tight-binding model to yield a value for the transfer integral (t) of 0.16 eV. The high-temperature value of χ is enhanced by Coulomb correlations. Using the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg-chain model appropriate to this limit we find that the on-site electron-electron repulsion (U) is ∼ 2.0 eV. Phase transitions have been found at 50 K in χ and at 21 K in dlnρdT. The conductivity of TTT-(I3)0.5 remains large at low temperatures [ρ(10