This study investigated alterations in the disposition and pharmacodynamics of methamphetamine HCl after daily administration. Six male paid volunteers familiar with the use of amphetamines participated. Each subject was administered 10 mg of methamphetamine HCl as a slow-release preparation (Desoxyn Gradumets) at 9 a.m. for 13 consecutive days (days 2-14 of the study). On days 1 and 15 the subjects were challenged with 10 mg of oral deuterated methamphetamine HCl. Deuterated drug was used to differentiate plasma concentrations of challenge doses from those of daily doses. The heart rate, subjective perception of "high," and plasma concentrations of methamphetamine were examined on days 1 and 15. Repeated ANOVA measures indicate that a significant decrease in heart-rate acceleration in response to methamphetamine challenge occurred on day 15 [F(1,5) = 8.26, p less than or equal to 0.035]. However, no significant change in either the subjective ratings of "high" or the plasma concentrations of deuterated methamphetamine occurred. These findings indicate that the disposition of methamphetamine and its subjective effects were not altered by this period of daily exposure to a low dose of the drug. In contrast, tolerance to the heart-rate accelerating effect was observed.