High spectral resolution lidar system with atomic blocking filters for measuring atmospheric parameters

A new lidar technique for measuring the profiles of backscatter ratio, atmospheric visibility, and atmospheric temperature is proposed. Based on the theory of high resolution Rayleigh/Mie scattering, the feasibility and advantages of using atomic vapor cells as blocking filters for measuring atmospheric parameters are demonstrated with a numerical example worked out in detail. Ten percent accuracy in determining backscatter ratio and visibility can be achieved easily. With a SNR of 300, temperature of 1 K accuracy can be measured directly along with the backscatter ratio to a better accuracy of ±1%. Using a large lidar system and assuming 50-km visibility, the proposed technique can be applied to measure backscatter ratio and temperature profiles simultaneously for a 10-km path with 30-m depth resolution in 3 min. With higher SNR the atmospheric pressure profile can also be determined.