A strain-induced phase transformation in bronze-processed Nb3Sn?

The superconducting critical temperatures and magnetic fields of bronze‐processed monofilamentary Nb3Sn wires flattened by rolling before reacting were, respectively, ∼13.5 K and 12 T, compared with values ∼16 K and 18 T for similarly processed circular (unflattened) wires. The interpretation of these results is discussed as either (i) the consequence of a strain‐ induced phase transformation or (ii) the result of the normal strain dependence of the critical properties of Nb3Sn and the triaxial nature of the residual strain state of the composite. A clear choice between the two possibilities is not possible on the basis of the present evidence, but the results underscore the inadequacy of describing the state of internal strain produced by differential thermal contraction in terms of a single value of ’’precompression,’’ as is commonly done.

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