Discriminative stimulus effects of etorphine in rhesus monkeys

Two rhesus monkeys were trained to discriminate the IM injection of etorphine (0.001 mg/kg) from saline in a task in which 20 consecutive responses on one of two levers resulted in food delivery. In both monkeys, etorphine (0.0001–0.0018), meperidine (0.1–1.0 mg/kg), morphine (0.1–3.2 mg/kg), and codeine (0.3–3.2) produced dose-related increases in the percentage of total session responses that occurred on the etorphine-appropriate lever. In contrast, ethylketazocine, SKF-10047, and pentazocine, at doses up to and including those that suppressed response rates, produced responses primarily on the saline-appropriate lever. Thus, etorphine-like narcotics, including morphine, have discriminative stimulus effects in rhesus monkeys which can be distinguished from those produced by narcotics with nonmorphine-like actions such as ethylketazocine, SKF-10047, and pentazocine.