Competition between superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in Cu(2) layers of Y1xPrxBa2Cu3yMyOz, M=Fe,Co,Zn

The antiferromagnetic (AFM) and superconducting (SC) phase-transition temperatures of Y1x Prx Ba2 Cu3y My Oz, M=Fe,Co,Zn, were studied by magnetometry and Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy. For z∼7, substitutions at all sites except those in the CuO2 planes (Pr,Fe,Co) cause superconductivity to disappear at xc=0.5 or yc=0.4 and antiferromagnetism to appear above xc and yc. For z∼6, antiferromagnetism persists for all x and y values. On the other hand, substitution in the Cu(2) planes (Zn) suppresses both superconductivity at yc=0.24 for z∼7 and antiferromagnetism for z∼6. No antiferromagnetism is seen for z∼7.