Preliminary Study of Additional Effects with Bearing on the Barrier Heights for Superheavy Elements

The effects of the simultaneous presence of monopole and quadrupole pairing interactions on the fission barriers for heavy and superheavy elements are considered. The first barrier for light Th isotopes is found to be raised by 1 MeV, while heavier actinide nuclei seem to be less affected by the inclusion of quadrupole pairing. For the superheavy elements, the inclusion of quadrupole pairing tends to increase the barriers considerably. Moreover, the Coulomb energy, associated with the non-homogeneous charge distribution of the modified oscillator model, is compared with the liquid-drop value and with value emerging from a self-consistent calculation based on the Skyrme interaction. The shell effect, which may be several MeV in magnitude, appears to be highly sensitive to model assumptions concerning the forces between neutrons and protons.