Effect of Click Repetition Rate and Intensity on the Auditory Brain Stem Response (BSR)

The effect of click repetition rate and intensity on wave V latency, amplitude and probability of wave detection (I-VII) was observed in 10 normal listeners. Click repetition rates of 10, 30, 50 and 70c/s were presented at each of 70, 50 and 30dBHL intensities.Results as follows.1. Increasing the click rate results in an increase in the latency of wave V (a click rate increase from 10 to 70c/s cause a 0.5msec shift). Also an increase in the click rate results in a decrease in the amplitude and a lowering of the probability of wave detection.2. Increasing the click intensity results in a shortening of wave V latency (An intensity increase from 30 to 70dBHL results in a 1.4msec shift). Also an increse in the click intensity results in an increase in the amplitude and an increase in the probability of detection of all waves.3. A convienient click repetition rate in the clinical routine examination is 10 to 30c/s.

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