This report concerns a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus in whom a deep, bilateral keratopathy was present. Although retinal lesions have been frequently observed in patients with systemic lupus, only a single case has previously been reported in which corneal lesions were present. Report of Case A 31-year-old Negro woman was first seen in the University Hospital Dermatology Clinic in April 1963 with a pruritic, erythematous papular eruption on her face and extremities. She was treated with antihistamines with little improvement. VDRL done at this time was negative. Several times during the summer of 1963 she consulted different physicians for conjunctival injection and photophobia. Treatment with antibiotic-steroid combinations gave temporary relief from these symptoms. She was first seen in the Ophthalmology Clinic on Sept 5, 1963. VOD was 20/25 and VOS was 20/ 20. Bilateral conjunctival hyperemia was present. Examination of the right cornea revealed a whitish, hazy, band-shaped opacity