Mast-Cell Density in Diphenylhydantoin Sodium Gingival Hyperplasia

Ginglval biopsies were taken from epileptic patients ''maintained on dilantin sodium therapy for periods varying from 3 to 11 years. One portion of the specimen was fixed in Helly''s fluid, sectioned serially at 6 microns. Representative sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and with thionin. One portion was fixed according to the method of Smith and Atkinson ([image]56). Mast cells were counted in a given section of tissue stained either with thionin or according to the method of Smith and Atkinson. The surface area of the section was measured with a compensating polar planimeter at a magnification of 8x. The ratio of cells to surface area was then com-puted and recorded as cells per square millimeter of surface. Ten specimens were studied. Mast cell density averaged 24.29. No apparent correlation existed between the amount of collagenous tissue, the degree of inflammatory infiltrate and the mast cell population. The period of administration of dilantin sodium therapy apparently did not influence the mast cell population.

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