Using the data from the 1970 census of population and housing for the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, demographic information was recorded for each of the approximately 300 census tracts in the Milwaukee County pertaining to population characteristics, marital status, age stratification, economic characteristics, and housing characteristics. Also, information was collected on number of admissions into the child and adolescent inpatient clinic for each census tract. The 300 census tracts were then divided into four categories: very low admission, low admission, high admission, and very high admission. Using a computer method, a demographic analysis of these four groups of census tracts was then carried out to examine the correlation between the density of admissions and various demographic characteristics. During the course of the study, various correlations between high admissions to the child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient clinic and various demographic characteristics emerged. Implications of these findings, in terms of present service and future planning, are discussed.