Separation of theH2(e,e’p) structure functions up to 0.9 GeV/cmomentum transfer

Longitudinal, transverse, and longitudinal-transverse structure functions for the H2(e,ep) reaction have been determined. Measurements of the cross sections were made in-plane in nearly quasielastic kinematics spanning momentum transfers between 200 and 670 MeV/c and recoil momenta between 0 and 150 MeV/c. In addition, cross sections at momentum transfers above 800 MeV/c were measured at backward scattering angles in aligned kinematics where the response is predominantly transverse. We compared our data with both relativistic and nonrelativistic models. Our results are not consistently in agreement with any of the calculations based on these models. The disagreement between our data and these calculations ranges from 0% to 30%; on average it is about 10%. Notable discrepancies arise in describing relativistic effects for the longitudinal-transverse structure function, at a momentum transfer of 400 MeV/c as well as for the transverse structure function at momentum transfer above 800 MeV/c.