Effect of salicylate on the distribution of sulfonamides to red blood cells in rat.

Effects of salicylate on the distribution of five sulfonamides to red blood cells in rat were studied in vitro and in vivo. The distribution of sulfonamides to red blood cells in whole blood in vitro increased with an increase in their concentration in blood. But, in cell suspension without plasma, the distribution of the drugs to red blood cells was not influenced by their concentration. The distribution of sulfonamides except for sulfanilamide to red blood cells was enhanced by the addition of salicylate in whole blood. But, in cell suspension, the effect of salicylate was not observed. Addition of rat plasma to the cell suspension reduced the distribution of sulfonamides to red blood cells. It was considered that the unbound fraction of sulfonamides was responsible for their distribution to red blood cells. Thus, it may be concluded that salicylate inhibits the binding of sulfonamides to plasma protein, resulting in an increase in their unbound fraction and an enhancement of the distribution of sulfonamides to red blood cells.