The determination of chlorinated biphenyls, chlorinated dibenzodioxins, and chlorinated dibenzofurans by GC‐MS

High resolution gas chromatography, with mass selective detection, has been used for the analysis of PCB on methyl 50 % octyl polysiloxane (SB 50 Octyl), methyl octadecyl polysiloxane, and a smectic polysiloxane (SB Smectic); and for the analysis of polychlorodibenzodioxins and polychlorodibenzofurans with 1 to 8 chlorine substituents on 100 % cyanopropyl siloxane (SP 2331), smectic polysiloxane (SB Smectic), a new polar stationary phase (DB‐Dioxin). The analysis has also been performed by column coupling.

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