Noninvasive evaluation of somatic embryogenesis

Callus Suspension Cultures of Ipomea batates Poir. cv. White Star were grown in an airlift bioreactor. A machine vision system was used to monitor nondestructively callus growth during a 10 day culture period. Growth data obtained with this system included the overall reactor population and population estimates for the 200–1200‐μm fractions at 200‐μm intervals. A model of callus growth was developed to explain the mechanics of callus enlargement. The model was based on the assumptions that (1) the calli could not subdivide or shrink, (2) there was a fixed percentage of the initial population for each fraction that was nonviable, and (3) growth rates did not vary with time during the culture period. It was determined that the growth rates and nonviable ratios decreased as fraction size increased.