
Escherichia coli L-asparaginase (NSC-109229) was administered to 55 patients with neoplastic diseases. Two thirds of the patients received 200 IU per kilogram per day, but others received doses ranging from 50 to 2000 IU per kilogram per day. Responses were restricted to a patient with melanoma, four patients with lymphoma and 11 patients with leukemia. The complete remission rate was 26 per cent in patients with acute lymphatic leukemia, with a median remission duration of nine weeks. Most patients tolerated L-asparaginase; however, severe toxicity appeared in a variety of forms. Hypersensitivity occurred in 14 of the patients. Depression of clotting factors occurred in 16 of 20 evaluable patients, liver dysfunction in 33 of 35 evaluable patients, Central-nervous-system disturbances in 18 of 35 evaluable adults (but none of the children), pancreatitis in six patients, and renal failure in two patients.