Spin-polarization in the elastic scattering of electrons by one-electron atoms

An analysis of spin-polarization in low energy elastic scattering electrons by one electron s-state atoms is carried out allowing both for electron exchange and relativistic effects. First the collision matrix is written in terms of the asymptotic form of the solutions of the radial equations. Then arguments, based on the invariance of the Hamiltonian under time reversal, space rotation and space reflection are used to write down the most general form of this matrix. It is found that it can be expressed in terms of six independent amplitudes. Then expressions for the observable quantities, including the spin polarization of the electron and of the atom after the collision are derived. Finally, the analysis is specialized to the case where spin-polarization effects are caused by a spin-orbit interaction and these effects are considered in the neighbourhood of cusps and resonances in electron alkali atom scattering.