We studied the autoionization electrons of two doubly excited states of helium—(2s2p)1P and (2p2 )1D—that were collisionally excited by multiply charged and relatively fast ions. The ion velocities (24.5 a.u.) were faster than the velocities of the emitted electrons (∼1.6 a.u.). The wings of the measured autoionization profiles were significantly different from standard Beutler-Fano profiles. These differences are largest at forward angles, smaller ion velocities, and larger ion charges. The distortion is explained with use of a classical kinematic model. After emission, the autoionization electron is accelerated if emitted in a forward direction (toward the projectile) or slowed down if emitted in a backward direction (away from the projectile). A modification of a post-collision interaction theory accounts for the interference between the bound-state electrons and the continuum electrons. Fits of the measured electron-energy spectra with use of this model show very good agreement.