Vitellogenin uptake and vitellin localization in insect follicles examined using monoclonal antibodies and confocal scanning microscopy

Confocal scanning immunofluorescent microscopy and monoclonal antibodies were used to examine the route of uptake of vitellogenin (VG) by vitellogenic follicles and the ooplasmic localization of vitellin (VN) in the cricket, Acheta domesticus, and the stick insect, Carausius morosus. Uptake and cytoplasmic regionalization of a non-vitellogenic sulfated protein, sp 157/85, by C. morosus oocytes were also examined. By indirect immunofluorescence VG in both species and sp 157/85 were visualized in spaces between follicle cells and in peripheral yolk spheres. One cricket VG polypeptide had a regionalized distribution in the folliclular epithelium, and VN polypeptides in both species and sp 157/85 in C. morosus had regionalized distributions within the ooplasm. Localization of sp 157/85 to the anterior pole of the oocyte appeared to be stage-specific.