It is assumed that there exist three basic fields Φ1, Φ2, and Φ3 and the Sakata triplet p, n, and Λ which is related to the basic fields by a unitary transformation. Then, a meson-baryon interaction Hamiltonian that is invariant under SU(3) is derived under the requirement that it should be invariant under permutations of Φ1, Φ2, and Φ3 and conserve charge and baryon number. A singlet fermion field is introduced in addition to the Sakata triplet in order to define the baryons in the octet case. Invariance under one permutation and conservation of isotopic spin, charge, and baryon number yield a Hamiltonian that is SU(3)-invariant. An explanation is given of how permutation symmetry S3, the aformentioned unitary transformation, and two conservation laws lead to SU(3) symmetry.

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