Genetic Testing for Male Infertility: A Postulated Role for Mutations in Sperm Nuclear Matrix Attachment Regions

Numerous reports have suggested that disturbances in nuclear condensation may result in male infertility. This notion has been supported by the observation of infertile individuals with a decrease or absence of the male sperm-specific chromatin packaging protamine proteins. To date, no correlation between the absence of protamine proteins and a mutation within the coding regions of the protamine genes has been documented. To address this issue, PCR-based mutation scanning analysis has been performed across the human male haploid expressed PRM1-->PRM2-->TNP2 domain in several oligozoospermic infertile individuals. This analysis identified a candidate mutation in a region of contact with the sperm nuclear matrix from 2 of 5 affected individuals. This is the first report of a mutation scan covering the entire PRM1-->PRM2-->TNP2 locus in affected individuals.