The Tully-Fisher Relation of Barred Galaxies

We present new data exploring the scaling relations, such as the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR), of bright barred and unbarred galaxies. A primary motivation for this study is to establish whether barredness correlates with, and is a consequence of, virial properties of galaxies. Various lines of evidence suggest that dark matter is dominant in disks of bright unbarred galaxies at 2.2 disk scale lengths, the point of peak rotation for a pure exponential disk. We test the hypothesis that the TF plane of barred high surface brightness galaxies is offset from the mean TFR of unbarred galaxies, as might be expected if barred galaxies are ``maximal'' in their inner parts. We use existing and new TF data to search for basic structural differences between barred and unbarred galaxies. Our new data consist of 2-dimensional Halpha velocity fields derived from SparsePak integral field spectroscopy (IFS) and V,I-band CCD images collected at the WIYN Observatory for 14 strongly barred galaxies. We use WIYN/SparsePak (2-D) velocity fields to show that long-slit (1-D) spectra yield reliable circular speed measurements at or beyond 2.2 disk scale lengths, far from any influence of the bar. This enables us to consider line width measurements from extensive TF surveys which include barred and nonbarred disks and derive detailed scaling relation comparisons. We find that for a given luminosity, barred and unbarred galaxies have comparable structural and dynamical parameters, such as peak velocities, scale lengths, or colors. In particular, the location of a galaxy in the TF plane is independent of barredness. In a global dynamical sense, barred and unbarred galaxies behave similarly and are likely to have, on average, comparable fractions of luminous and dark matter at a given radius. (abridged)

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