Equation of state of InP to 19 GPa

X-ray diffraction experiments have been carried out on InP at room temperature to pressures of 19 GPa. The compression curve for the zinc-blende phase (I) was found to fit the Murnaghan equation up to 10.8 GPa where a transformation to the rocksalt structure was observed. Values for the bulk modulus, BI0 and its pressure derivative, BI0, at P=0 obtained by a best-fit procedure to the Murnaghan equation were BI0=76±4 GPa and BI0=4±0.2. These values are similar to those obtained from precision elastic constant measurements. Analogous parameters for the rocksalt phase (II) were obtained with reference to the transition pressure BIIt=130±10 GPa, BIIt=1.6±0.1. At 19 GPa a further transformation was observed to a phase which was tentatively identified as β-Sn-like. Data for these three phases are given and discussed in terms of models for the transitions.