The Interaction of the A and A* Proteins of Bacteriophage φX174 with Single‐Stranded and Double‐Stranded φX DNA in vitro

The binding of the bacteriophage phi X 174-coded A and A* proteins to single-stranded (ssDNA) and double-stranded (dsDNA ) phi X DNA was studied by electron microscopy. The interaction of the A* protein with ssDNA and dsDNA was also studied by sedimentation velocity centrifugation. It was shown that the binding of the A and A* proteins to ssDNA occurs in a non-cooperative manner and requires no or very little sequence specificity under the conditions used here. Both protein-ssDNA complexes have the same compact structure caused by intrastrand cross-linking through the interaction of protein molecules with separate parts of the ssDNA molecule. The A protein does not bind to phi X dsDNA in the absence of divalent cations. The A* protein does bind to dsDNA, although it has a strong preference for binding to ssDNA. The structure of the A* protein-dsDNA complexes is different from that of the A* protein-ssDNA complexes, as the former have a rosette-like structure caused by protein-protein interactions. High ionic strengths favour the formation of large condensed aggregates.