Length of the polyadenylated sequence in cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid isolated from fetal calf myoblasts differentiating in vitro

Poly(A) containing cytoplasmic RNA in differentiating fetal calf myoblasts cultivated in vitro was examined by hybridization with radioactive poly(U). The size distribution of the poly(A)-containing RNA after sucrose-gradient centrifugation was similar in cells before and after differentiation. There was no apparent correlation between the length of the poly(A) segment and the change in stability of mRNA which occurs on differentiation, nor with the polysomal or nonpolysomal localization of the RNA in the cytoplasm. The average length of the poly(A) segments in cytoplasmic RNA in the steady state was dependent on the size of the RNA: the longer the RNA, the longer the average length of the poly(A) sequence. In pulse-labeled RNA, the length of poly(A) is similar in all size classes of RNA.