Plant Regeneration in Vitro of Selected Allium Species and Interspecific Hybrids

The procedures for micropropagation and plant regeneration from callus were developed for Allium fistulosum L., A. altaicum Pall., A. galanthum Kar. & Kir., A. roylei Stearn, and selected progeny of interspecific crosses of A. cepa × fistulosum, A. cepa × galanthum and A. cepa × oschaninii O. Fedtsch. Each of the genotypes exhibited shoot multiplication in micropropagation systems, and most regenerated plants from callus. The results demonstrate the general applicability of the picloram-based tissue culture model for the genus Allium. Chemical names used: 4-amino-3,5,6-tri-chloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid (picloram).

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