Cysts lined by ependymal epithelium and yet isolated from the normal ependymal cavities of the brain are relatively rare. The case reported here is interesting in that the cyst caused central deafness which disappeared after the cyst was opened into the ventricular system. REPORT OF CASE History. —A girl, aged 16, came to the Cleveland Clinic on April 5, 1932, because of blindness and deafness. Eight months previously she had fallen from a tree and had been stunned for a few minutes. Failure of vision began soon after this. An ophthalmologist refused to fit her with glasses and made a diagnosis of tumor of the brain, which was not credited by the parents. Four months later she began to have recurring bouts of emesis. She staggered when walking, and had moderate frontal headaches which never became severe. Hearing had failed markedly. Before the accident the patient had had no illnesses