The life cycle of Lagena radicicola, an oomycetous parasite of wheat roots

Lagena radicicola Vanterpool & Ledingham is an obligate parasite inside root hairs and epidermal cells. It was cultured in a unifungal state on wheat in pots. The life cycle was examined by both light and transmission electron microscopy. The thallus developed inside a single host cell and formed either a single sporangium or one to four resting spores. Zoospore cleavage was completed in vesicles outside the root. The resting spores were similar to oospores in their development and cytology, but there was no evidence of cell fusion and sexuality. Virus-like particles were seen in 3- to 12-month-old cultures, and infected cells became degenerate. Key words: Oomycetes, ultrastructure, virus-like particles, biocontrol.