Detection of HLA-DR associated PLT determinants by alloreactive lymphocyte clones

This study deals with alloreactive T-cell clones which recognize cellular determinants associated with HLA-DR antigens. Two clones, CB55 and DS56, exhibited a PLT specificity that was perfectly associated with DR5. On the other hand, clones CB7, DS 1 and HS 1 showed PLT reactivity with approximately one-half of the DR5 positive cells and none of the DR5 negative cells, whereas clone MD4 largely reacted with the other half of DR5 positive cells. Another MLR culture generated two alloreactive clones DS6 and DS9 with PLT specificity for DR2. However, these clones did not respond to DR2 cells, which were also positive for the DR2-associated HLA-B7 and B18 antigens. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) inhibition studies showed heterogenous patterns, whereby monomorphic non-DR mAbs inhibited the DR2-associated PLT clones while the DR5-associated PLT clones were inhibited by different groups of anti-DR and non-DR mAbs. These observations suggest the existence of several lymphocyte-activating determinants associated with HLA-DR antigens. This diversity may be an important consideration in studies of the role of HLA-DR in immune mechanisms and transplant compatibility.