Ongenital arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are abnormal connections of the arte- rial and venous systems. AVMs occur most often in the extremities and may involve skin, 'subcu- taneous tissues, muscle, and bone. AVMs can result in disfigurement, gangrene, and bleeding (1). Large AVMs can cause a dramatic decrease in total periph- eral resistance and an increase in cardiac output (2). Multiple surgical and radiologic procedures have been used for the treatment of AVMs with minimal success. Materials such as avitene, polyvinyl alcohol foam, silk, gelfoam, and anhydrous ethanol (absolute alcohol) have been used to embolize the AVMs. (3-7) Embolization of the AVMs can result in life- threatening hemorrhage (6) and severe hemodynamic alteration (7). This case report describes the hemo- dynamic and physiologic changes that occurred after absolute alcohol embolization in one patient.