The lipopolysaccharides isolated from "smooth" (S) strains of Salmonella godesberg and Salmonella urbana by the phenol-water method were purified in the ultracentrifuge. These lipopolysaccharides have the same O-antigenic structure and on partial hydrolysis the same series of oligosaccharides was obtained in each instance. The results of quantitative microanalysis, borohydride reduction, periodate oxidation, Morgan-Elson reactions and enzymic hydrolysis with [alpha]-and [beta]-glucosidases on the isolated oligosaccharides indicated that the O-specific side chains of these S-lipopoly-saccharides have a repeating tetrasaccharide unit that is [beta]-D-glucosyl-(1[forward arrow]3)-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-([forward arrow]4)-L-fucose with a further glucose residue bound at the 4-position on the N-acetylgalactosamine. Another oligosaccharide, a glucosylgalactose, has also been isolated and is indistinguishable from an oligosaccharide isolated from Salmonella a-lipopolysaccharides. These findings provide further evidence supporting the view that all Salmonella S-lipopolysaccharides have a core consisting of R-lipopolysaccharide.