Gamma-Globulin Synthesis in the First Month of Life

The newborn infant is well endowed with IgG received largely, or entirely, by placental transfer from his mother. Fudenberg1and Hunger and Thierbach2have suggested that the human fetus is capable of some synthesis of IgG, possibly only under unusual circumstances. van Furth et al3have shown that spleen cells from fetuses born after 20 weeks gestation are capable of producing IgG. This situation may also be considered unusual and may or may not indicate the conditions which prevail in normal fetal development. The general opinion as expressed by others has been that active synthesis does not begin until some time after birth. Allansmith et al4suggest that synthesis begins after two weeks. Rosen and Janeway5believe that synthesis does not begin until the end of the second month, and support this view by stating that plasma cells do not appear until the third month

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