Backwardπ+pElastic Scattering from 2.18 to5.25 GeVc

Differential cross sections are presented for pion-proton elastic scattering in the angular range 0.6cosθc.m.0.98 at 15 incident π+ momenta from 2.185.25 GeVc. The angular distributions rise steeply near 180° at all momenta. For laboratory momenta 2.75 GeVc they show a minimum at u0.17 (GeVc)2 and a broad maximum near u0.6 (GeVc)2. When the data are plotted versus s, for fixed u, a strong signal from the Δ(2420) resonance is observed. The data are compared with a direct-channel resonance model and with a Regge model which considers the exchange of the Nα, Nγ, and Δδ Regge trajectories. The qualitative success of both the direct-channel resonance model and the Regge model lends support to the concept of duality.