An ionicity scale based on x-ray photoemission valence-band spectra of ANB8−N and ANB10−N type crystals

A quantitative scale of ionicity based on x‐ray photoemission studies of the valence‐band density of states of many ANB8−N and ANB10−N crystals is discussed. The scale is empirical. It involves allocating the energy splitting of the two most tightly bound valence‐band peaks between covalent and ionic contributions. Several ternary alloys and chalcopyrite‐type crystals were also included in this study. The scale was found to be superior to the molecular orbital approach of Coulson and the thermochemical scale of Pauling because of the symmetrical treatment of covalent and ionic contributions. It appears to have wider applicability than the Phillips‐Van Vechten scale. The strengths and weaknesses of the proposed scale are discussed.