Interactions of nuclear proteins with DNA, during sperm differentiation in the ram

Ram spermatid nuclei and caput epididymal sperm nuclei were prepared and treated with DTT under conditions avoiding proteolysis. Whole-mount preparations for the electron microscope were made in the presence or absence of the detergent Joy. The chromatin of the less mature, non-round spermatid nuclei displayed a nucleosomal organization that gradually disappeared at the time the histones leave the nuclei (elongating spermatids). Digestion with micrococcal nuclease suggests that polynucleosome arrays are scarcer and more accessible to nuclease in the elongating than in the round nuclei, with increasing amounts of DNA becoming devoid of nuleosomes. In the protamine-containing nuclei (elongated spermatids), only smooth filaments were observed, which formed thick fibers by parallel aggregation. The change from a nucleosomal organization to bundles of smooth filaments appeared to result from a complex process involving the transitory presence of conspicuous “knobby fibers” that suggest a periodicity in the organization of the spermatidal proteins along the DNA molecules. X-ray diffraction patterns obtained with protamine-containing spermatid nuclei and with sperm nuclei confirm that the DNA is arranged in smoothly bent bundles of parallel molecules. No higher-order reflections that might correspond to nucleosome structures were detected in the 30–200 Å region.