Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery:An Ov erview

Despite the fact that laparoscopic hernia repair was already described in 1979, its value has still not been well defined. The standard treatment for uncomplicated primary hernia repair in Europe is an open anterior approach (i.e. Shouldice), and ‘tension-free’ mesh plug repair in the USA. At present, posterior mesh insertion is used to repair so-called complicated hernias with a complete myopectineal defect, and recurrent and bilateral hernias. Laparoscopic hernia repair (transabdominally and extraperitoneally) mimics this posterior mesh insertion and is therefore mostly used for treating complicated hernias. Whether or not a transabdominal or extraperitoneal approach is used depends on the type and size of the hernia, the risk to the patient, previous abdominal operations and the surgeon’s experience. However, the extraperitoneal approach is now recommended because of its lower complication rate compared to the transabdominal approach. Compared to open surgical procedures the laparoscopic approach shows significant advantages in terms of less postoperative pain, decreased time off work and decreased overall costs. The disadvantages are increased operating time as well as difficulty in performing the procedure itself. A recent large randomized series has for the first time been able to demonstrate the advantages of the laparoscopic approach in a long-term follow-up. However, further studies are needed to define the exact place of laparoscopic hernia repair in the treatment of groin hernias.