In order to determine the factors possibly promoting the enhanced fluid exchange in rabbits made polyuric-polydipsic by food deprivation, the response of such animals to vasopressin administration and the electrolyte composition of their kidneys was determined. The daily administration of 2 units of vasopressin for 2 days to adult male rabbits during the polyuric-polydipsic syndrome induced by food deprivation effectively reduced the urine volume and fluid intake and increased the urinary osmolarity. There was no alteration in real cortical or medullary electrolyte and fluid content under the conditions of these experiments. These findings establish the effectiveness of vasopressin in food-deprived polyuric-polydipsic male rabbits and suggest a possible role of an altered vasopressin release in the development of this syndrome and in the inhibitory action of estrogen on this enhanced fluid exchange.

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