This useful manual has been published in its first revision since 1962. It is written to be used by the pediatric clinician and in the laboratory oriented to pediatrics. After short sections on "Normal and Therapeutic Values" and "Apparatus and Practical Points," a series of about 100 sections on procedures are detailed in more or less alphabetical order (bilirubin, bile pigments, blood volume, serum bromide, and bromide space). Each of these procedure-sections includes a "Clinical Commentary" which is expanded in the current edition, a useful "Technical Commentary," "Normal Values," details of the procedure (s), and adequate "References." The volume covers a diverse spectrum of determinations from usual (bilirubin, glucose, and electrolytes) to abnormal hemoglobins and red cell enzymes, intestinal enzymes, urinary metabolites, measurement of body water, determination of tolbutamide tolerance, etc. The book should be a bible for the pediatric investigator in his search for procedures to solve special problems.