Morphological changes after extracapsular cataract extraction with implantation of posterior chamber lenses

Morphological changes and lens position were examined in 66 patients 3 to 5.5 (mean 4) months after extracapsular cataract extraction with intended implantation of posterior chamber lenses in the ciliary sulcus. Important findings were: capsulotomy-requiring secondary cataract (3%), iris-lens synecchiae (18%), iris-capsule synecchiae (14%), pupillar capture (2%) and haptic-malposition (17%). The lens optic was slightly decentered in 33%. The internal anterior chamber depth was measured with optical pachymetry and averaged 3.5 mm (range 2.3-4.5 mm). The central distance between the posterior lens surface and the posterior capsule (LPCD) was measured pachymetrically and averaged 0.14 mm (range 0-0.6 mm).