Nuclear Radiofrequency Spectra ofH2andD2in High and Low Magnetic Fields

A new molecular beam apparatus of improved design is described which utilizes, among other improvements, a long homogeneous magnetic field with two separated oscillatory fields for high resolution and a method of phase shifting of the two fields which permits more accurate data-taking. The apparatus has been used to study the nuclear radiofrequency spectrum of H2 and D2 in magnetic fields of 1600 gauss and 6 gauss. The results are found to be consistent with Ramsey's theoretical expressions, provided the adjustable parameters are suitably selected. For H2 the values for these parameters are that c equals 113,800±210 cps and d equals 57,680±40 cps, while for D2 c equals 8790±60 cps and d equals 25,240±20 cps. These values for the parameters imply that the rotational magnetic field H at the nucleus in H2 is 26.73±0.05 gauss while in D2 it is 13.44±0.09 gauss, that the internuclear spacing r in H2 is such that when averaged over the zeroth vibrational state and the first rotational state 1r313 equals (0.74673±0.00018)×108 cm, that the deuteron quadrupole interaction eQ(2Vez02) equals (1.4907±0.0015)×1021 erg, that the quadrupole moment Q of the deuteron equals (2.738±0.014)×1027 cm2, and that the nuclear magnetic shielding constant σ for H2 is (2.65±0.03)×105.