Integrated control of ‘chickpea wilt complex’ byTrichodermaand chemical methods in India

‘Chickpea wilt complex’, an important disease of chickpea, was effectively controlled by a biological agent Trichoderma harzianum and its integration with fungicides. Evaluation of wheat bran sawdust medium for T. harzianum showed high potentiality. Soil application with different doses of T. harzianum gave 53–50–85.70% disease control in the glasshouse, increasing with the amount of T. harzianum applied. In the field integration of T. harzianum with different fungicides significantly reduced the incidence of ‘chickpea wilt complex’ and increased crop yield. Seeds treated with Vitavax‐200 and Ziram resulted in 29.9% disease control, which was further increased to 63.3% when integrated with soil application of T. harzianum.