Characterisation of Iberian pig genotypes using AFLP markers

The use of the AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique for the characterisation of highly inbred Iberian pig breed genotypes and the detection of strain-specific polymorphisms is demonstrated. Twelve different primer combinations were used on individual DNA samples from animals belonging to two black hairless Iberian pig strains, Guadyerbas and Coronado. These amplification reactions allowed the detection of more than 1700 amplification products of which 26 were identified as strain-specific markers, present in all individuals of one strain and absent in the other. Comparison of male and female amplification products within one strain also allowed the identification of 8 male-specific amplified bands. AFLP showed a great power of marker detection due to a high multiplex ratio and high reproducibility. Comparison of similarity and co-ancestry coefficient matrices also showed the usefulness of AFLP markers to estimate genetic relationships between individuals pigs.Peer reviewe