The shock compression of the ceramics BaTiO3(5%CaTiO3) and Pb(Zr0.95Ti0.05)O3(1 wt%Nb2O5) was measured in the ranges 5–200 kbar and 2–140 kbar, respectively. Barium titanate exhibits a two‐wave structure above 30 kbar; the first wave has a velocity of 6.27 mm/μsec. The cusp in the Hugoniot at 30 kbar is interpreted as a dynamic elastic limit. Comparison of the first wave velocity with the measured longitudinal sound speeds of the tetragonal (ferroelectric) and cubic (paraelectric) phases (5.4 and ∼6.2 mm/μsec, respectively) suggests, as does other evidence, that the material begins to transform to the cubic phase in the neighborhood of 7 kbar. Below 7 kbar, subsonic velocities are observed and it is speculated that this phenomenon is associated with domain reorientation. The particular lead zirconate composition studied has a two‐wave structure above about 40 kbar; the position of the cusp in the Hugoniot depends sensitively on initial density. This cusp is presumably the Hugoniot elastic limit. A weak cusp is also observed at about 2 kbar. The wave velocity is essentially sonic below 2 kbar and subsonic above 2 kbar, increasing to about sonic in the neighborhood of 40 kbar.