A review of the published industrial toxicology for the benzenediols, catechol, resorcinol and hydroquinone was made to evaluate their proposed or established occupational exposure levels. Acute animal [rat, rabbit, guinea pig] toxicity data for catechol and resorcinol are presented, along with that for phenol because of its analogous signs of illness and intoxication. The comparative acute toxicity data for catechol and phenol are anomalous, but suggest a TLV [threshold limit value] for catechol similar to that of phenol. The comparative acute toxicity data for resorcinol and phenol clearly show that resorcinol is significantly less toxic than phenol which has a 5 ppm TLV. These data, along with production plant exposures [human] as high as 9.6 ppm without reported effects, suggest an industrial exposure level (TLV) for resorcinol of at least 10 ppm, perhaps 20 ppm or higher. The established 2 mg/m3 TLV for hydroquinone appears to be proper.