The Cultural and Antigenic Properties of Shigella sonnei

A cultural and immuno-logical study of 88 strains of Shigella showed that the Sonne group differs sufficiently from the closely related Flexner, Dispar and Alkalescens groups to warrant recognition as a separate sp. of Shigella. The most distinctive property of S. sonnei is the late fermentation of lactose and is caused by the appearance in aging cultures of variants with new fermenting powers. At least 2 major antigens are found in all strains of S. sonnei, but Type I, the more commonly isolated, contains little of the Type II antigen, while Type II contains both antigens in considerable amounts; thus, a Type II antiserum is the more reliable diagnostic serum. Minor antigens in S. sonnei are common to S. dispar, S. alkalescens and S. paradysenteriae flexner.