The ordering temperature Tc(H) of the very nearly isotropic antiferromagnet RbMnF3 was measured as a function of magnetic field H, up to 180 kOe. The order-disorder transition was determined from the λ peak in the attenuation of 26- to 82-MHz longitudinal waves. At all fields, Tc was measured with a precision of better than 2 mK. Results for the H dependence of Tc in two different samples (with Néel temperatures TN=83.13±0.03 K and 83.03 ± 0.03 K) were in very good agreement with each other. With increasing H, Tc(H) first increases, then reaches a maximum, and finally decreases. The maximum in Tc(H) is a mere 0.18 K above TN. The phase boundary, Tc vs H, is bow-shaped and confirms the theoretical predictions of Fisher, Nelson, and Kosterlitz. Least-squares fits of the data for the two samples, supplemented by error analysis, give the values φ=1.278±0.026 and 1.274 ± 0.045 for the crossover exponent, in good agreement with the predicted value φ=1.250±0.015. The present data are in good agreement with, but are more precise than, the recent determination of the phase boundary of RbMnF3 from thermal-expansion measurements. The experimental techniques employed to achieve high-precision thermometry in the presence of intense magnetic fields are discussed.