Fetal Prostate Growth and Development

Normal fetal and newborn prostates were studied to evaluate growth patterns, histogenesis, and secretory activity. Whole cross-sectioned prostates harvested from 107 necropsies of fetuses and newborns ages 20 weeks gestation to 1 month of age were used. Development of the prostate occurred in three stages: bud stage (20–30 weeks gestation), bud-tubule stage (31–36 weeks gestation), and acinotubular stage (37–42 weeks gestation). Squamous metaplasia often appeared in the urethra, utricle, and primary lobular ducts, and occasional microcysts were noted. PAS and alcian blue-PAS positive secretion were present in 65% of the specimens by 20–30 weeks gestation and in over 87% of the specimens by 37 or more weeks gestation. Secretory activity was most prominent in the lateral regions of the peripheral zone. Prostate-specific antigen was only weakly detected throughout the prenatal period and was not related to secretory activity as evidenced by the PAS technique.