Suicide and the Italian psychiatric reform: An appraisal of two data collection systems

The reliability of Italian suicide data derived from returns made by the Police and Carabinieri was examined by comparing regional suicide data from that source with those based on medically certified cause of death for the years 1973–1980. Rates of medically certified suicide were found to be higher than those derived from the Police/Carabinieri returns, a difference which increased steadily over the years of study. The between-region within-year correlations (between the suicide rates derived from the two sources) were very high, but tended to decrease with time. The between-year within-region correlations were +0.700 or above for 12 of the 19 Italian regions and between +0.500 and +0.700 for a further 3. The correlation between the rates of suicide derived from the two sources was poor for the remaining 4 regions. A previous analysis of the influence on suicide of the Italian psychiatric reform used Police/Carabinieri data (Williams et al. 1986): this was repeated excluding data from these 4 regions, and the previous results were confirmed. Indeed, the negative correlation between suicide and the provision of general hospital psychiatric beds was stronger than that previously reported.

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