A method has been developed to calculate the scattering of slow electrons. This method along with the wellknown methods of HULTHÈN and KOHN are applied to calculate p-wave scattering in the normal hydrogen field. The new method avoids the ambiguity of HULTHEN'S quadratic equation and gives almost the same result. The interrelation of the three methods is studied and a proposal is being made how one can simultaneously satisfy the conditions L=∫ψ(H-E) ψ dτ=0, ∂, a k=—〈Rl⎜U⎟jl+〉 appearing in the three methods. The whole theoretical discussion can without difficulties be extended to the modified COULOMB potential, only the regular and singular spherical BESSEL functions are to be substituted by the regular and singular confluent hypergeometric functions of the COULOMB type respectively. The phase shifts and the wave functions calculated without exchange agree well with the numerically solved results of CHANDRASEKHAR and BREEN. The results including exchange terms agree reasonably well with the results of the numerical integration of the HARTREE-FOCK equation, which has been carried out here by E. TREFFTZ.

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